Make a donation
In order to continue supporting families during and after their stay, La Maison needs your support. Join our community of donors to provide effective support to women and children who are victims of domestic violence, and help them rebuild their lives free of violence.

Supporting families during their stay
Become an annual sponsor of one of La Maison's rooms. For a contribution of $5,000 to $10,000 a year (depending on the size of the room), you'll make it possible for every family living in this space (an average of two per year) to receive welcome packages, seasonal clothing, school start-up kits, summer camp kits, birthday or graduation celebrations, and more.
Support La Maison with storage space for donations
La Maison is a shelter that does not have sufficient storage space to receive all material donations, especially furniture and household items.
When families leave the shelter for their new homes, they often don't have any furniture or household items. So why not help? Become a sponsor and pay for a storage space close to the accommodation.
Matching corporate donations
Thousands of employers across Canada are matching fundraising efforts with donations from their employees. By using the Corporate Gift Matching program offered by each employee's workplace, their donation can be doubled.
If the employee currently works, or has worked in the past, for one of the companies listed in the matching programs, or for one of its subsidiaries or affiliated corporations, and makes a donation, his or her employer will match the donation. Very often, companies will match a donation at a higher rate. Some companies have policies that allow former employees to match their donations.
Throughout your life, you may have been distressed or revolted by some of the major ills of our society. Perhaps you’ve been touched in one way or another by precariousness, illness or violence?
Why not extend your influence beyond your own lifetime? After your death, you can continue your work on behalf of victims of domestic violence. You can continue to help where action is needed.
Patronage in the form of a monetary donation is a mechanism enabling a company to make a donation to an organization to support a work of general interest. Financial sponsorship, through a donation, entitles the donor to a tax deduction of 60% of the amount of the donation made to the association.
Monetary donations
Knowing the list of needs
When a woman flees violence to take refuge at our shelter, she often finds herself in a precarious material and financial situation that will continue for some time after she leaves La Maison.
La Maison relies heavily on the generosity of its community members, for without them, the shelter cannot provide its families with donations of items to help them rebuild their lives.
Donate via Amazon listing
Helping families get the essentials they need during their stay is just a click away! Use the Amazon tool and have your donations delivered directly to La Maison.
Become a fundraiser
You can support families and become a fundraiser all year round, at special events or during the holiday season. To become a fundraiser, you'll need to be creative, well-prepared and willing to do something concrete to help families and women who are victims of domestic violence.
There are several ways you can contribute:
Organization of company (or group) campaigns or work lotteries
Collecting food or toiletries
Gift card collection - grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.
Collect donations for La Maison in lieu of personal gifts for birthdays, weddings and special occasions
Sports tournaments