(De l’immigration vers l’intégration)
Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Through the DIVI program, La Maison aims to better support French-speaking immigrant and refugee women by facilitating their integration into the community.
For French-speaking immigrant and refugee women (including war survivors), the violence they have experienced or are currently experiencing is a major barrier to integration. Our experience in shelters shows us the many obstacles that immigrant and refugee women face, including lack of knowledge of French laws and services, fear of the authorities, loss of custody of children, difficulty in disclosing abuse, control by spouses or in-laws, lack of English language skills, etc.
DIVI offers French-speaking immigrant and refugee women aged 16 and over opportunities to break their isolation, network, develop civic participation and heal. Participants are supported through needs and asset assessments, information, guidance and support (including counseling), and the facilitation of community connections.


La Maison promotion Programme De l'Immigration vers l'Intégration, DIVI